How reporting sexual harassment can impact your next job, and what you can do to fight back

Allison Taylor Reference Checking helps sexual harassment victims protect their job reference, reputation, and future livelihood

Reporting sexual harassment can cost you your current job, and the next one too.

What happens to your job reference after reporting your boss to HR, or even worse, the company lawyers? And we’re not even talking about taking them to court.

Most of us aren’t famous movie stars with the clout to get their harassers fired, so perpetrators too often won’t get more than a slap on the wrist, if that.

How to Identify & Report Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (

But folks who need to know where the next paycheck is coming from can’t afford to let their former employer badmouth or slander them. Taking your future seriously means preventing defamation and libel before it starts.

It doesn’t matter whether you were subjected to a boss who pressured you to have sex, littered your job environment with foul language and slurs, or worse.

After courageously making a sexual harassment report, you need a plan to protect your job reference, especially if you were with that employer a long time.

The good news? You can help secure your future by taking these two simple steps:

  1. Document your sexual harassment employer by discovering what they say about you

Hire a professional service like ours to make actual calls to your former boss. Our very discreet reference check process gives you an accurate, documented report viewable in your private and secure online account.

  1. Prepare a remedy such as a Cease & Desist Letter for Poor to Bad Job References

If you discover bad job references, we can help. Fight back hard with a “cease and desist” letter written by experienced professionals. With our close to 100% success rate, you can change the game and protect your future.

Cease and Desist Letters for Bad References by 30+ year experts Allison & Taylor

Allison & Taylor Cease & Desist Letter Testimonials