Manage Your References – and Your Job Prospects – With These 10 Simple Steps- part 3

As we have discussed in the last few posts it is in your best interest to take control of your career momentum by finding out precisely what each of your potential references will say about you; then you can pass on your best references with greater confidence. Here are ways 4-6 of our ten winning ways to utilize your references:

4. Confirm your personal information. Refresh your reference’s memory regarding the position you held while working with them. Also, it is a good idea to check with the HR department and verify that all information in your personnel file is correct.

5. Conduct a personal exit interview with your references. Review your past responsibilities and remind them of tangible successes you achieved with them/the company. Review with each reference what they will say in response to questions regarding your strengths and weaknesses. Try to learn what your references are going to say about you. Do not take any criticism personally, or become defensive. If they feel you are receptive to their comments regarding self-improvement, it may lead them to say you are open-minded and that you strive to grow professionally. To sum up, one of the key skills in the workplace is effective communication. Your reference will feel comfortable stating you are a good communicator if you have filled them in on the “who, what, why, when and where” and have appeared receptive to their comments.

6. Be prepared ahead of time. It pays to take the time early in your job search to identify and prepare your references. The last thing you want is to lose out on a good position because you did not have your references organized, validated and prioritized. You can even use your references as effective networking tools in asking them to keep your name out in front of those with whom they associate. Again, tell your references what you have been doing since the last time you worked with them. Not only is this the courteous thing to do, it also keeps them updated on your career. Any reference that is well informed about the progression of your career will be a much better reference. Last, but not least, ask them if they know of any current job openings in your field

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