Should You Send Your Boss (Or Former Boss) A Holiday Card?

Five (5) Reasons Holiday Cards Endear You To Bosses and Former Bosses

Thinking about sending the boss (or a “Boss of Christmas Past”) a holiday card? Reference checking firm Allison & Taylor says you probably have a good idea: a 2008 survey quoted 50% of holiday card recipients as indicating they were more likely to do future business with a company (or individual) that sends holiday greeting cards. And with your co-workers vying with you for the boss’s favor, your holiday card might prove to be a small, but decisive, differentiator.

Here are some reasons why your greeting card is a good idea:

  1. Connecting with your boss (or former boss) will help keep you top-of-mind in their awareness, translating to possible future support or opportunity.
  2. Sending your boss (also former bosses, colleagues, suppliers, etc.) a card demonstrates a personal touch to accompany your business relationship.
  3. Staying in touch with bosses and colleagues via a holiday card is a subtle yet highly effective form of networking. (It’s also less expensive than taking them to lunch, and won’t violate corporate edicts if sent via personal mail.)
  4. Staying in the favor of your prospective employment references (particularly former bosses) is critical to your future employment success. The reference-checking firm of Allison & Taylor notes that approximately half of all reference checks they conduct reveal negative input from the references. Consider that a greeting card could prove to be a small, but critical, investment in your professional future.
  5. Developing and maintaining positive relationships with your boss, co-workers and former bosses will ultimately be a cornerstone of success in your career. Besides the use of greeting cards, there are a number of effective etiquette tips that may be appropriate for those who may ultimately become your professional references (click here for more tips).

For more information regarding Allison and Taylor, Inc.’s reference checking services click here.