Writing Your Resignation Letter If You’re Leaving on Bad Terms

While crafting a resignation letter is simple enough when you’re leaving an employer on civil terms, what do you do if you’re parting on less than favorable circumstances? Writing a resignation note in anger or haste could become an action you will later regret.

Here are some examples of how your resignation letter might be worded.

Allison & Taylor can also provide assistance in crafting an appropriate resignation letter.

Example #1: Resignation due to bullying, harassment, age discrimination or sexual overtones

Al Taylor
Allison Taylor,

How To Stop A Bully or Former Boss from Giving An Unwarranted Bad Job Reference – A “Cease & Desist Letter” Is an Effective Means to Counteract Bad Job References from A Bully or Former Boss

Leaving one job and moving to another can be a challenge, but sometimes opportunity presents itself and you find the job that’s a fit.

Imagine the frustration, then, of having successfully navigated the demanding pre-screening process; having “nailed” your interviews; perhaps having even Read more...